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Showing posts with the label Vegetarian

Homemade Pizza with Dough From Scratch

Ingredients  Pizza Dough Pizza Sauce 4 Cups Shredded Mozzarella Flour for Rolling the Dough Sliced Mushrooms (1 Cup) Sliced Black Olives (1/2 Cup) Sliced Onions (1/2 Cup) Cooked Ground Beef (1 Cup, omit if vegetarian) Sliced Tomatoes (1 Cup) Any other of your favorite toppings(Usually 1/2 to 1 Cup) Instructions Preheat your oven to 450 degrees.  If you haven't already portioned your dough, go ahead and portion it into quarters. The dough will make 4 pizzas.   Add flour to a clean surface and put your dough on it. Roll it out with a rolling pin in both directions to keep it an even circle. Get your kids in on the action. They will thank you for it.  Once you finish rolling your dough, transfer it to a pizza stone or pizza pan. Add one ladle of sauce.  Start in the middle and work your way to the outside edge.  Make sure you sauce all the way to the edge of the crust. Add a sprinkle of cheese then your favorite toppings. Add as li

Pizza Sauce

Ingredients 3 8 oz Cans of Tomato Sauce 1 Tablespoon Italian Seasoning 1 Tablespoon Oregano 1 Tablespoon Sugar 1 Teaspoon Garlic Powder 1 Teaspoon Onion Powder Instructions  Mix all ingredients together. Store in the fridge until ready to use, up to 3 days. 

Pizza Dough

Ingredients 1 Packet Active Dry Yeast (2 Tablespoons) 2 1/4 Cups of Water 6 Cups of Flour, plus more for rolling 1 Tablespoon of Vegetable or Olive Oil 1 Tablespoon of sugar 1 Heavy pinch of salt Yields 4 - 12-14" Pizzas  Time 90 min prep time.  Instructions Add water, sugar and yeast to a mixing bowl. Set aside for 10 min and wait for the yeast to activate. You can tell once the mixture starts to make bubbles.  Mix your flour and salt together in a separate bowl.  Slowly add the flour to the active yeast mixture.  You will want to mix thoroughly before adding more flour. You might not need all the flour, or you might need a little extra.  What you are looking for is a bit of a tacky dough.  Grease a bowl with cooking spray and put the dough in the bowl and cover it with a tea towel and place it in a warm place.  You will want the let the dough rise for at least an hour. It should almost double in size. Now you are ready to rol

Sweet Potato, Mushroom, Pepper and Egg Bake

Ingredients 1 Large Sweet Potato 4 Medium Portobello Mushrooms 5 Small Sweet Peppers 1 Large handful of Spinach  4 Large Eggs Olive Oil Salt and Pepper Instructions Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Dice the sweet potato into small cubes.  Cut the tops off of the sweet peppers then cut in half.  Quarter the mushrooms and lay it all on a sheet tray.  Add the handful of spinach and drizzle with olive oil and salt and pepper.  Bake for 15 min. Take the tray out of the oven and add the 4 eggs. I like to make a little well to hold the eggs in.  Don't forget to add salt and pepper to your eggs. Bake an additional 15 min. Enjoy!


Ingredients 1-2 Avocados 1 Teaspoon Granulated Garlic 1 Teaspoon Onion Powder Salt and Pepper  Tortilla chips  Instructions Cut avocado in half lengthwise. Remove pit. Mash avocado in a bowl and add the garlic, onion, and salt and pepper. Serve with tortilla chips.  Sure you could get all fancy and add onions, tomatoes, cilantro, and lime but this version my family begs me to make at every family function and I've never had leftovers.

Light and Refreshing

Just like the title says. . . ready for this one? Here's what you'll need.  Now go ahead and dice those tomatoes and onion. I minced a few leaves of cilantro and added it to the mix. Doesn't that look yummy! Before i started slicing and dicing I rubbed some slices of french bread with a little olive oil and baked them for 10 min. Go ahead put as little or as much of the tomato onion mix on each piece. Now you could just pop them back in the oven but my honey likes a little cheese so throw some on top. Bake another 10 min with the last two being under the boiler. It should come out a little something like this.  Now Eat Up!!!