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Showing posts from February, 2012

Tease your dog pulled pork

Want something easy and boy do i mean easy and delicious for dinner TOMORROW? (Why tomorrow you ask? You have to give your roast time to soak in all the spices)  Pop into your local grocery establishment and head straight to the butcher section. Pick yourself up a 3-6 lb. pork roast (aka Boston roast, aka picnic roast, aka port butt, aka pork shoulder. Why do they have some many names for the same cut of meat?) While your there grab yourself a six pack, you deserve it for putting so much effort into this meal. When you get home unwrap that beautiful hung o meat. What I use for a rub is a store bough BBQ blend that i spice up a little. I add brown sugar, garlic, and lots of pepper. Rub that rub all over your roast and then wrap tightly. Mine looks like this . . . Ok now that you know how good my camera skills are put that in the fridge overnight. When you wake up in the morning pull it out and let it rest on the counter while you get ready for work.  Before you leave the